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Daniel Aranda


                 Daniel Aranda is a versatile freelance photographer who shoots from everything to anything.  Residing in the Westchester area, Daniel has been working with public and private businesses connecting and expanding his services.  With a degree in visual arts, he continues on his pursuit to improve and perfect his knowledge of photography.            

                  To Daniel, Being a photographer is having the instinct of a camera to capture the soul of a moment and bring out the feeling for the viewers themselves.  This is what photography, the drawing of light and shadow, did for him at an early age, it saved his life by giving it purpose.  He spent hours in the darkroom during school and even after school developing all the film and prints till closing, addicted to this newfound artistic passion. Capturing real moments in time, but using contrast, saturated colors, and sharp lines of photography to create a surreal final image. When out shooting he has a concept in mind, letting his eyes seek out its interests, and shoot the vision with the camera. 

                   Daniels goal are to travel and document the places and people he see in all their different cultures and beauties. He believe in the power of a photograph to capture a second in an infinite timeline and to cause the viewer to wonder, question, and reflect on themselves and the world around them. With his artwork he shows a harmonic note in a timeless image where you see that everything is one in just a click

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